This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Introduction to Machine Learning in R

An introduction to machine learning in R.


A basic understanding of R. Material covered at the beginning of the week cover sufficient background.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction to machine learning What is machine learning?
00:40 2. Clustering How can we use clustering to find data points with similar attributes?
01:15 3. Dimensional Reduction How can we perform unsupervised learning with dimensionality reduction techniques such as Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE)?
01:15 4. Regression How can I make linear regression models from data?
How can I use logarithmic regression to work with non-linear data?
02:30 5. day 1 practical
02:40 6. Non-Linear Classifiers How can I process data?
03:15 7. Neural Networks How can we classify images using a neural network?
04:05 8. Ethics and Implications of Machine Learning What are the ethical implications of using machine learning in research?
04:20 9. Find out more Where can you find out more about machine learning?
04:30 10. day 2 practical
04:40 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.